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Show posts

Creates a grid of automatically generated content from selected posts, pages or categories.
Select a categoryShow posts from the selected category.
Select a pageShow all child pages from a parent page.
Select a custom post typeShow all posts from a custom post type.
Select individual posts and pagesShow specific posts.
Display optionsDetermine how the content should be displayed using the following fields
Number of columnsSelect how many columns should be displayed per row (1-4 columns).
PaginationShow or hide pagination.
Column colourSelect the background colour for each column.
Column paddingMove text away from the edge of each column (useful when a background colour is set).
Border radiusSet a corner radius for each column.
Posts per pageSelect the number of posts to display before pagination is shown. Type -1 to always show all posts without paging.
OrderbySelect the order of the posts e.g. by date, by alphabetical title etc.
Sort orderSet the Orderby to be either ascending or descending.
Show titlesShow the titles for posts/pages for each column.
Show excerptsShow posts/page excerpts for each column.
Show datesShow the post date for each column (useful when displaying a series of blog posts or news items).
Show linkShow an additional "read more" link at the end of each column.
Show overlay on hoverShow the grid using each posts featured image with the post excerpt appearing on hover. Note: this will only work for 2 columns, when showing titles and excerpts.
Content optionsTick to enable access to a variety of content options as below.
Intro textContent to appear above (or below) the primary content block.
Primary font colourAdjust the font colour on the front end. This option is useful for instance if you wanted white text as you wouldn't be able to see the text within the backend interface if you changed the font colour using the normal text colour button. Note: you can still change individual words using the normal font colour button in the toolbar if you so desire.
Content insetAdjust the content so it occupies less horizontal width. Useful to reduce long lines of text to make them more readable.
PositionSelect where to put the intro text - either above or below the primary content.


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